Most of the information below was taken from Green Party of Canada emails, the GPC website, and the Simply Voting website for this leadership contest.
If you have not yet received an email from [email protected] with your ballot link and password, it's critical that you contact the GPC ASAP at [email protected]
All members should have received their ballots by now. Please also let us know if you haven't at [email protected]
When can I vote online?
You can vote between Saturday September 26, 2020 and Saturday October 3, 2020. The table below shows you the times that the polls are open in your time zone.
What does the ballot look like?
The ballot will look like the sample ballot below visually but the contestants will appear on the ballot in random order. Thus the order will be different for different electors. "None of these options" is treated like any other candidate.
How do I vote for Dimitri Lascaris?
To vote for Dimitri Lascaris, click on the drop-down menu beside his name and rank him as your 1st choice by selecting the number 1 beside his name. If your first choice is for another candidate, please rank Dimitri as your 2nd or 3rd choice by selecting the appropriate number beside his name (2=second choice, 3=third choice, etc.) Repeat this process for any candidate that you wish to vote for. Each candidate can have only one ranking and each ranking can only be used once.
What do I need in order to vote?
The online voting for the GPC Leadership Contest is being conducted by Simply Voting ( Members who have provided an email address to the GPC will receive an email from Simply Voting (sender:[email protected]). This email will have voting information, your unique PIN, and a link to access the leadership contest ballot. If you have not provided an email address to the GPC, you will receive a letter by Canada Post with all your voting information.
You should have the email or letter with your credentials in front of you before you start the online voting process.
If you have not received this email by Saturday evening, check your spam folder. If no such email is there, then contact the Party immediately by email to [email protected]​ or ​[email protected]
How Simply Voting Works
- Click on the link in the email that you would have received from Simply Voting.
- On the welcome page, type in your password and click on the Login button.
- If your login was successful, you will be shown a menu listing all current ballots in which you are eligible to vote. If you have not yet voted, you may click on the ballot name and an electronic ballot will appear.
- Once you submit a ballot, the results are encrypted and stored in a database. Your Voter ID is then flagged as "voted" and will not be eligible to vote on this ballot again.
What do I do if I have trouble voting?
If you have trouble with any aspect of the online voting process, please contact the GPC immediately by email to [email protected]​ or ​[email protected] They will have a team dedicated to providing assistance with the voting process throughout the voting period.
When will the results be announced?
Because of new Covid-19 restrictions in Ontario, we do not know yet exactly how or when the results will be announced. Online balloting ends at 6:30p.m. EDT and it is expected that results will be released starting at 7 p.m. on Saturday 3rd. Depending on the availability of people for an announcement, there may be changes in these arrangements. The whole event may be done virtually.
For detailed information on how the votes are tabulated, please read this GPC Leadership Contest Voting Information document.