To appear on the ballot, Dimitri needs 250 nominations from members in good standing. Can you help?
1. Join or Renew
If you're not already a Green Party of Canada member, or if you're not sure whether your membership is up-to-date, please visit this page:
Become a GPC Member
A tax-deductible donation of $10 or more gets you a one-year membership. Don't forget to type Dimitri Lascaris under "contestant name" so your donation will be routed to Dimitri's campaign!
2. Nominate Dimitri
As a member in good standing, you have the right to nominate Dimitri for the position of leader. Please visit this page:
GPC Leadership Nomination
If you're under 30, don't forget to fill out your birth date so you qualify as a Young Green nominator!
3. Let us Know!
Please submit this form so we can keep track of how many nominations Dimitri has. Thank you!
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